Our Team

Department Head
Professor, Innovative Media Research and Extension
Director, Learning Games Lab
Dr. Barbara Chamberlin has been working in educational game development since 1993, creating over 30 games, and securing more than $45 million in grant funding. She has a Ph.D. in Educational Technology from the University of Virginia but thinks she may have learned the most by being a mom, game player, museum advocate, and school volunteer.
Most recently, she's been working on the NSF-funded Math Snacks series of games, animations and apps (mathsnacks.com), particularly on ways to use them with teachers and in classrooms. Of personal interest to her is game-based learning in math, science and financial literacy, as well as development of life skills through gameplay. Her research also includes refining user testing methodologies for use during formative development of games and learning tools.
Previously a stand-up comic, she speaks frequently at national conferences on the use of technology for learning, and is always looking for a good joke about learning theory. "A behaviorist and a constructivist walk into a bar..." - feel free to send her a good punch line.

Associate Professor & Extension Learning Technology Specialist
Dr. Pamela N. Martinez is an Associate Professor of Learning Technologies with New Mexico State University’s Innovative Media Research and Extension Department and its Learning Games Lab. She oversees product development for grant-funded research projects and undertakes grant writing endeavors with department faculty. Dr. Martinez has over 20 years’ experience creating educational media and games. Prior to becoming faculty, she served as studio director in the Multimedia Unit/Learning Games Lab for 18 years, overseeing production and personnel.
She earned her doctorate in learning technologies from Pepperdine University. The technology program also focused on social learning, communities of practice and leadership. She holds a master’s in curriculum and instruction in learning technologies with an emphasis in distance education from New Mexico State University. Her professional interests include learning technologies, game-based learning, social learning and play. Most recently she has been reviewing diversity within game studios.
Outside of work she enjoys travel, reading, art and anything outdoors. She’s taken an exceptional liking to personalized tours of New Mexico provided by her daughter whose background is in environmental archaeology.
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir

Professor Emeritus, Department of Innovative Media Research and Extension
Dr. Gleason has spent her career keeping NMSU on the cutting edge of technologies, whether this meant touch-screen systems on the Navajo nation or, most recently, the Learning Games Lab, creating mobile apps and educational games. She has been part of more than 200 individual grants and contracts worth over $50 million. Her interactive media products are in use internationally and by numerous federal agencies, universities and school systems.
Jeanne earned her doctorate at Virginia Tech, where she worked on a team developing USDA's first digital collection and Extension's first touch-screen system. She is proud to have been an undergraduate at NMSU.
Though she retired in November, 2020, she is continuing her contributions through her research and ongoing project in the department with her emeritus status.
She enjoys international travel, photography, scuba diving, and writing the stories of her family tree.
- Gleason Full Bio and Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Extension Specialist/Education Technology
Dr. Cezarotto is a postdoc researcher from Brazil. He researches the lab's games and products, working through grant development and providing instructional design expertise.
Dr. Cezarotto received his doctorate and a master's in Design of Information Systems from the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil). He holds a bachelor's in Product Design from the Regional University of Blumenau (Brazil). In his master's thesis and doctoral dissertation, he researched the motivational preferences of children with dyscalculia in math educational games, as part of their neuropsychological treatment.
His professional interests include instructional design, information design, accessibility in games, scientific methodologies, and game-based learning. Dr. Cezarotto is a regular revisor in two scientific Brazilian Symposiums, on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment, and Human Factors in Computing Systems. Also, he is a reviewer of the Graphical Education journal Revista Revista Educação Gráfica and the International Journal of Serious Games (IJSG).
Outside the work, you either will find Matheus running a couple of miles, working out, eating a double meat green chile cheeseburger, or video chatting with his family. He enjoys going to movie theaters, school performances, or watching series at home. He is always in the mood to try and learn new things.

Head Programmer
CC Chamberlin serves as head of the programming unit at Innovative Media Research and Extension, acting as lead programmer for many game, mobile, and web projects, as well as serving as a "fixer" for thorny technical problems. Think of him as Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction, only with code.
With a background in mathematics, education, and English, CC has worked at both small startup companies and large university departments, and specializes in illuminating math concepts with interactive activities.
He lives in Las Cruces with his wife and two kids. In his spare time, he designs mobile and tabletop games, and software to support professional and amateur haunt attractions. He is known locally for the "Carnival of Souls" yard haunt that entertains hundreds of people every Halloween.

Director, Video Unit
Tomilee Turner coordinates all video development in the department, overseeing videographers and collaborating with content specialists and curriculum developers.
A videographer/director with 25 years of experience, she's produced broadcast television shows, documentaries, commercials, a variety of promos, and how-to videos.
She says it's the clients and coworkers that make this job fun, along with the wide range of subject matter and the adventure of traveling to interesting places.
Tomilee is proud of her beautiful twins who are both attending NMSU. After years of parental booster club activities and incalculable hours as her kids’ taxi driver, she’s finally able to focus on her own interests (if she can remember what they are).

Web Developer
Connie is the Web developer for the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. She also manages much of the print work for the department.
Connie says she enjoys supporting the Cooperative Extension Service, the Ag Experiment Station and Academic Departments. Every day is different and she enjoys the side benefit of learning about agriculture, food safety and nutrition. She has a Master's degree in Agricultural and Extension Education from New Mexico State University.

Adrian Aguirre
Director, Multimedia Unit
As studio manager, Adrian art directs and oversees the production of all games, interactive and animations created by our multimedia team.
Originally from Juarez, Mexico, Adrian is an NMSU alumnus (BFA) and holds an MFA from the University of North Texas. Having a background in art, design and front-end development, Adrian's comprehensive understanding of digital media production helps the studio continuously explore new techniques for illustration, animation, web, mobile and accessibility.
When he is not creating digital media, Adrian enjoys making traditional works of art in oil and charcoal. From time to time, he and his wife paint community murals. More than anything, however, he enjoys spending quality time with his kids.

Software Developer
David enjoys playing and making video games and gets satisfaction from seeing other people using games and apps he has made. David does work on Math Snacks and is particularly proud of Ratio Rumble and Game Over Gopher.
Colleagues have noted David's childlike infatuation with penguins, and in fact he dreams of one day becoming a penguin himself.

Fiscal Assistant
Esther graduated from NMSU with a Bachelor of Accountancy. She is responsible for the monthly financial summary for Media Productions. She enjoys baking and cooking for her family. She loves spending time with her grandson.

Luis Barraza
IT Accessibility Specialist
Luis reviews and remediates documents uploaded to the college webpage and supports document accessibility efforts of all the ACES departments and 4-H. He also supports the multimedia team with product QA and testing accessibility affordances of multimedia.
Luis holds a B.A. in history from NMSU and has done graduate work in the history of science. He has also worked as a jeweler. He has a passion for accessibility and believes that everyone should have access to the resources and learning objects provided by the university. He sees his work as a continuation of the land-grant mission to reach out to all people.

Social Media Specialist
Jeffrey helps spread messages through social media and supports extension offices with their outreach. Originally from Houston, Jeffrey also spent a decade in the media industry in Austin and Washington DC.
Jeffrey received a bachelor’s degree in Communications from American University and a certificate in Agroecology from the University of the District of Columbia, as well as community garden leadership training from the Sustainable Food Center.
In his spare time, Jeffrey enjoys hiking and backpacking, and you can find him working the snack counter at the Fountain Theater.

Administrative Assistant
Patricia is the face of Media Productions in our main office. She enjoys interacting with people in the department and the friendly dynamic that we have here. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.

Evan Evans
Evan is an illustrator, animator and a student worker for the studio. He graduated from Doña Ana Community College with an Associates degree in Creative Media Technology in 2018, and currently enrolled at NMSU in order to complete his Bachelors in Animation and Visual Effects.
Out of work, Evan can often be found trying to hone his artistic skills further by working on personal projects, participating in art challenges, and surrounding himself with animated media in the form of video games, cartoons and comics. At the end of the day, Evan is an artist who is more than happy to make a career out of one of his favorite pastimes.

Anastasia Hames
Artist & Animator
A Las Cruces native, Anastasia graduated from NMSU with a bachelor of arts in Animation and Visual Effects. At work, Anastasia creates art and animation for educational media and contributes to product design. In her spare time, she enjoys making customized dolls and chilling with her cat, Mr. Man.

Artist / Animator
Phillip McVann. A true artiste. Phil wields pencil and paper as an extension of his own body. His skill does not stop at the physical; his imagination is always a few steps ahead anticipating potential pitfalls in the design process.
Like a true sage. Phil is not afraid to jump in blind to a project and spearhead the concept art phase, allowing the rest of the team to follow his torch through the murky waters. Yet this same regal soul will act the follower without hesitation, trusting in the team. Phil's mild temper and great attitude inspire us all to be more like him in and out of the office.
Speaking of Phil's home life, the rigors of breaching the educational gap to reach the youth of today are nothing compared to the all-nighters, food fights and tantrums that he faces as a new father; but he wouldn't trade it for the world.
When he is not at work or taming the dragon-like rage of a tiny human creature, Phil loves his free time. If he were a river, his tributaries would include music (he was a DJ in a past life), cinema, animation both foreign and domestic, comic books, novels, toys, music and many other streamlets that combine to form the incredible creative force that is Phil.

Yvette Navarro
Web Developer
Yvette is a web developer for the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. She has a Masters's degree in Sociology from NMSU, where she wrote her thesis about machismo in Mexican cinema.
In her free time, Yvette enjoys spending time with her partner and watching a copious amount of international films. Together, they have two silly birds, a green-cheeked conure named Poblano (like the pepper) and a pineapple conure named Barley (like the grain). Yvette is big into collecting Criterion films, which has taken a massive toll on her bank account. If she isn't at the cinema, she is most likely somewhere eating cheesecake or listening to one of her many oddly-specific Spotify playlists.

Laura Ramirez
Systems Analyst
Laura creates online registrations for events using EZregister or RSVP and provides web support to ACES departments, counties, and science centers.

Art Ruiloba
Video Production Specialist
Art began his career as a video journalist for a commercial television station in El Paso, Texas. Working the news beat for six years sharpened his video production skills and opened many doors for him throughout his career. Since graduating from NMSU in 1989, Art has served as a video producer and public relations specialist for various educational, government and business entities in El Paso, Texas and southern New Mexico. He has worked on documentary, instructional, educational and corporate videos and has produced television commercials, public service announcements and news stories.
Art has a deep passion for this visual medium, and loves the challenges that video production presents, from pre-production and writing through creative video work and post production editing to produce a video that satisfies the client, accomplishes objectives, and is interesting to the viewer.
He is happy serving his alma mater and working with the folks at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES). He say ACES is like a second home with familiar faces.

Program Manager
Amy enjoys translating complicated concepts for various audiences and loves what happens when you blend ideas from scientists, game developers and artists. She curates our products on educational portals around the Web.
Amy previously worked as an agricultural editor and an equestrian coach at NMSU and now spends her spare time wrangling kids and playing the fiddle (sometimes at the same time). She is a fan of the treadmill desk.

Senior Multimedia Designer
Elizabeth Sohn has an MFA in graphic design from NMSU and is the Senior Multimedia Designer at NMSU Innovative Media Research and Extension. She heads the design of web pages, interactive modules, and print materials, and acts as project lead for various projects. She loves being in a creative atmosphere and getting to see creative artwork and ideas come to life.

Tech Support Tech, Sr
Joe handles the hardware and software components of all departmental work, including keeping equipment up to date, managing iPads for youth and Extension, software approvals, and researching upcoming technologies.
He holds a bachelor’s from NMSU in ICT and is currently pursuing his master’s of information technology.

Sock Puppet
Ratey is a 2010 graduate of NMSU with a BS degree in applied mathematics. At the lab, he provides voice talent and continuous rate / ratio calculations. His favorite part of his job is getting to scold people.
Prior to joining the Learning Games Lab, he worked as a water conservation technician, served on the highway patrol, and ran his own lawn care business. His hobbies include showing up where you least expect him.