Location & Contact Information
The Learning Games Lab is located in Room 173, Gerald Thomas Hall (the lab is on the southwest side of the building). Gerald Thomas Hall is located on the corner of College Drive and Knox Street. Directions to the lab are as follows:
- You need to get to New Mexico State University (University Ave)
- Depending on whether you are coming from East or West on University Avenue take a left (coming East) or right (coming West) onto Knox Street. It's between El Paseo and Espina, cross the four way stop at College ave.
- Make a left turn into the parking lot immediately behind Gerald Thomas Hall (Giant Satellite at the corner of the building).
- Enter Gerald Thomas Hall through the double doors near the giant satellite and then you will enter the first double doors on your right and the Games Lab is the first door on the left of the hallway.
Visitor Parking Information
For more information, see Visitor Parking. Here's how to get an e-Permit for visitors.

Innovative Media Research and Extension is led by Dr. Barbara Chamberlin (interim department head). Barbara Chamberlin also directs the Learning Games Lab. For front desk inquiries, contact Patricia Clark (admin assistant).
Administrative AssistantPatricia Clark
Interim Department Head, Professor, and Extension Specialist
Barbara Chamberlin, PhD